

How to reach the Conference Venue from anywhere in the city

We recommend using bus line number 87 (instead of the underground) and getting off at the Teatro Arcimboldi stop.

You can reach Milan by Air, Train, Bus or Car.

By Air

Milan is served by three airports: Milano Linate, Milano Malpensa and Bergamo Orio Al Serio. Linate is the closest to the city centre, and you can easily reach the conference venue by public transportation. Malpensa and Orio Al Serio are far away but are very well connected by bus and/or train (Malpensa).

Best way to reach the conference venue from Linate City Airport - Take bus no. 73 in the "National Arrivals Exit" area. Get off at the Stazione Forlanini stop (after five stops). Enter the Milano Forlanini train station and get on the S9 train to Saronno (this train service is called "passante", it is regionally operated). Get off at Milano Greco Pirelli station (after two stops).

Best way to reach the conference venue from Milano Malpensa Airport - Take the "Malpensa Express" train service to the Milano Porta Garibaldi train station (Milano P.ta Garibaldi). Get on the S11 train to Como S. Giovanni (or S8 to Lecco) (this train service is called "passante", it is regionally operated), then get off at the next stop, Milano Greco Pirelli.

Best way to reach the conference venue from Bergamo Orio al Serio Airport - Several bus services will take you to Milano central train station (Milano Stazione Centrale F.S.). Then take bus number 87 (end of the line on the west side of the train station). After 12 stops, get off at the Teatro Arcimboldi stop.

Useful links to flight services:

By Train

Milan has several train stations: Central Station, Porta Garibaldi Station, and Cadorna Station.

Best way to reach the conference venue from Milano Stazione Centrale F.S.: Take bus line number 87 (end of the line on the west side of the train station). After 12 stops, get off at the Teatro Arcimboldi stop.

Best way to reach the conference venue from Porta Garibaldi F.S.: Take the S11 train to Como S. Giovanni (or S8 to Lecco) (this train service is called "passante", it is regionally operated), then get off at the next stop, Milano Greco Pirelli.

Best way to reach the conference venue from Cadorna F.S.: Take underground line number 2 (the green one) and go to the Garibaldi FS stop (after three stops). Then take the underground line 5 (the lilac one) and get off at the Bicocca stop (after six stops).

Useful links to train services:

By Car

From the A4 Highway (Torino-Trieste), find the "Sesto San Giovanni" exit to Milan. Follow the indications to Viale Fulvio Testi, and you will soon reach the Bicocca campus. Use Google Maps.

By Bus

Bus services usually stop at the Central Train Station or underground stations on the outskirts of Milan, such as Lampugnano, San Donato, and Sesto 1° Maggio. You can use the underground to reach Porta Garibaldi or Centrale train station and follow the abovementioned instructions.

Travel Tips

  • One-way public transportation ticket costs €2,00, it lasts 90 minutes and can be used on underground trains, trams, and buses. It can be used on the Passante train service but only within city limits.
  • The Passante train service is faster than the underground (and takes you closer to the conference venue), so you can check for accommodations near its stations.
  • Bus service from Orio al Serio airport to Milano Centrale train station costs around €10,00 (one way per person), but you can save €2,00 by buying the return ticket.
  • The Malpensa Express train ticket costs €13,00.
  • You can use the Trenord App to buy tickets online for the Passante trains with PayPal or Credit Cards.
  • You can use the ATM App to buy tickets online for the underground, trams and busses.
  • There are several car park areas around the conference venue. The cost is €1,20 per hour.
  • Please note that taxis are very expensive.

Official "How to reach us" page of the Milano-Bicocca University website: