

Information about hotels, B&B, hostels, and apartments in Milan can be found on the following websites

To help you decide where to look for accommodation, below is some practical information on where to eat during the conference and what to see in your free time.

The conference venue is within the Bicocca University Campus, north of Milan. You can easily find bars, restaurants and pubs for all needs in the area. Tripadvisor can help!

We recommend Fancytoast and Cinquecento for lunch and Je Suis Jambon for a nice beer with a "crescia".

Although we are far from the city centre, there are several exciting places to visit. The Teatro Arcimboldi hosts artists and shows of all kinds all year round. The Pirelli Hangar Bicocca museum is a unique location for contemporary art exhibitions. The Cineteca Milano MIC houses an interactive film museum.

Despite being a metropolis of 1.5 million inhabitants, the centre of Milan can easily be visited on foot. The Duomo is Milan's cathedral and an Italian national monument. We recommend climbing to the rooftops for a magnificent view of the city. The Castello Sforzesco is a medieval fortification that today houses museums and art collections. Right next door is Parco Sempione for relaxed walks. Nearby is the Triennale di Milano art museum, the Civic Aquarium, and the Arco della Pace.

For art lovers there is the Brera district with its museums, narrow streets and art shops. A stop at the Cenacolo Vinciano to admire the Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci is recommended. Not to miss is the cycle of frescoes from the 16th century covering the walls of the San Maurizio al Monastero Maggiore. In the Santa Maria presso San Satiro church, you can admire one of the first examples of trompe-l'œil in history of art: the painted perspective by Bramante.

For nightlife, we recommend the clubs on the Navigli (Porta Genova area) and the clubs between the skyscrapers in Corso Como.

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